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HCoin Terms of Use

Dear users, welcome to PlayHorny! Before you use the HCoin services, please read the following terms carefully. PlayHorny (hereinafter referred to as "PlayHorny," "we," or "the Platform") provides HCoin services with the aim of allowing you (referred to as "you," "user," or "member") to top up with legal tender and receive a specific amount of HCoin (hereinafter referred to as "HCoin") within our Platform. HCoin can be used to purchase virtual currency (hereinafter referred to as "virtual currency"), virtual items (hereinafter referred to as "virtual items"), or other services within the platform or in-game. By using our HCoin services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the content of the following Terms and agreed to abide by them. In addition to the HCoin Terms of Use, any other terms of use and privacy policies related to our company are also considered part of the HCoin Terms of Use. You must agree to comply with these Terms before starting to use the HCoin.

1. Duration For the period of the Platform's services and operation. 2. Location For the regions where the Platform provides its services. 3. Subject For those who visit, use, or access the Platform. 4. Purchase & Payment With the PlayHorny services (hereinafter referred to as the ""Service(s)""), in addition to having access to free games, you'll also be able to make purchases with legal tender on top-up credits and other paid items provided by the Service. You must be at least 18 years old or confirm that you have reached the legal age of adulthood in your residence jurisdiction/country to make purchases. When you confirm a purchase, your designated payment method and the payment information provided will be passed onto a third-party payment processor to handle the related charges. You will also receive an electronic invoice via email. You understand and agree that all charges incurred in your account, regardless of whether they were incurred by you personally, must be borne by you. Even after account cancellation or termination, we retain the right to charge you for the payment incurred prior to the cancellation or termination. 5. HCoin Based on the methods of acquisition, there are 2 types of HCoin: 1. Paid HCoin: After obtaining Paid HCoin through transactions (hereinafter referred to as "Paid HCoin"): Paid HCoin is obtained through purchases with legal tender and can be used for payments within specific games for virtual currency, virtual items, or other services. Paid HCoin will be stored as digital assets in the user's account and can be used for transactions within the Platform. 2. Free HCoin: Free HCoin (hereinafter referred to as "Free HCoin") is obtained through the Platform Services and holds the same value as Paid HCoin. Users can acquire Free HCoin through specific activities or meeting certain conditions, and can use it on payments for virtual currency, virtual items, or other in-game services. Free HCoin will be stored as a time-limited digital asset in the user's account, and you are not to request a refund, transfer, or conversion of it. A certain amount of HPower obtained while using the Platform's services or making purchases with "Paid HCoin" is issued as a gift and cannot be refunded by the user. HPower can be used exclusively on the Platform to purchase various services and items offered by the Platform, and only within the Platform. In cases where a user account holds both Paid HCoin and Free HCoin, the Platform will prioritize using Free HCoin for any payment. Only when the Free HCoin balance is insufficient will Paid HCoin be consumed. We retain the ownership, possession, issuing, and any related rights over the HCoin. While the owners or operators of the games are responsible for the issuance of their respective virtual currency and virtual items, we are only responsible for the HCoin sold on the websites operated by the Platform. We are not responsible for HCoin obtained through other methods, and such HCoin shall not be used on the Platform. To protect your own rights, please refrain from acquiring any virtual currency or virtual items on platforms not operated by us. 6. Period of Validity HCoin obtained through purchases with legal tender is not subject to any expiration limitations and can be used all year round, as is also the case with HPower. However, for Free HCoin obtained through Platform services, there is a validity period of 180 days, starting from the date of acquisition. The expired Free HCoin will be invalidated automatically and cannot be refunded, compensated, redeemed, or reactivated in any way. You acknowledge and agree that any losses incurred due to the expiration of Free HCoin will be your own responsibility. 7. Usage Restrictions You agree that the HCoin you hold on the Platform is for your personal and limited use only. You must not transfer, share, lease, exchange, trade, gift, sell, authorize, or in any way convert HCoin, HPower, virtual currency, virtual items, or any other items purchased on the Platform to legal tender or items equivalent to their value. In the case that your user account is suspended or terminated, the HCoin, HPower, virtual currency, virtual items, and any other items purchased through Platform services within your account will be invalidated automatically and no longer be available. 8. Refunds Once you have used legal tender to purchase HCoin, items provided by the Services, HPower, in-game virtual currency or virtual items, etc., and after they are credited to your account, the HCoin consumed is typically non-refundable. The items and Services offered by the Platform are not subject to the 7-day period for goods returning under Article 19, Paragraph 1 of the Consumer Protection Act. Once they are distributed to your account, they cannot be returned or refunded.Please exercise caution and confirm the items, quantity, price, and other details when making a purchase, as purchases would take effect immediately, and no refunds will be provided unless certain conditions are met. (1) In the case that a user terminates their contract with the Platform, which is to terminate their right to the usage of their account, they may apply for a refund. However, once the application is submitted, the account cannot be reinstated for any reason. (2) The Platform also offers other promotional items (hereinafter referred to as "Promotional Items") available for purchase using legal currency. If a user wishes to return the purchased yet unused Promotional Items, we will refund them after calculating the Paid HCoin consumed at the time of purchase. After deducting the following costs and fees, we shall refund the unused "Paid HCoin" that was purchased with legal tender within 30 working days. ● The necessary costs include: Fees collected by gateways, website operation costs, handling fees, etc. ● Remittance fees: The fees incurred by the user's receiving bank due to the remittance. ● Other fees: Personal fees arising from special circumstances in refunding. Refund is calculated as follows: Deduct the aforementioned costs from the user's remaining unused "Paid HCoin." (3) In the case of the termination of a game provided by the Platform, resulting in the cessation of the user's use of their in-game account, if the game provider decides to entrust the Platform with the refund process, we shall be responsible for determining the amount of unused virtual currency in the game and assisting the user with the refund process. We will only refund virtual currency purchased with "Paid HCoin." In this process, we will calculate the actual amount of in-game virtual currency and refund the corresponding amount of "Paid HCoin" based on the exchange rate of "Paid HCoin." However, refunds will not be granted for the following reasons: ● The user violates the HCoin Terms of Use, Terms of Use, or Privacy Policy. ● The user has obtained HCoin through fraudulent, forged, modified, or other illegal means. ● We have a legitimate doubt in accordance with the law, force majeure factors, or other reasonable grounds that allow the temporary suspension of the user's right to their account. 9. Revision & Termination The Platform reserves the right to modify the Terms at any time without prior notice. By continuing to read or access the Services provided by PlayHorny, you acknowledge that you have understood the content of the updated Terms and agreed to abide by them. We retain the right to modify or terminate the HCoin and its related services any time. 10. Limited Liability You agree that for any damages or disadvantages incurred due to your inability to use HCoin, we shall not be responsible except in cases of intentional misconduct. During our investigation of suspected violations or when we have determined that there has been a breach of the Terms, leading to the removal or refusal to process any information or content, warnings, suspensions, terminations of your access to the Services, or any other actions, you agree that you shall not, based on the aforementioned reasons, file any lawsuits or claims for damages against the company and its directors, superiors, employees, affiliated companies, publishers, contractors, or licensors. This waiver and compensation provision applies to all violations described and covered in the entirety of the Terms. 11. Other Terms The HCoin Terms are subject to the Platform's other relevant terms and policies, including but not limited to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. By using the HCoin services, you agree to comply with all applicable terms and policies.