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Privacy Policy

Dear users, welcome to PlayHorny! Please take a moment to carefully read the Privacy Policy, which contains terms regarding the protection of your personal data. PlayHorny (hereinafter referred to as "PlayHorny," "we," or "the Platform") values your personal data as you (hereinafter referred to as "you," "user," or "member") visit, use, and/or access our services. We will adhere to the local Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) to ensure the privacy of your personal data. This statement aims to explain how we would handle your personal data. When you engage in our services, you agree that you are willing to provide your consent electronically, and that you understand that this carries the same legal weight as a written consent.

1. Duration For the period of the Platform's services and operation.

2. Location For the regions where the Platform provides its services.

3. Subject For those who visit, use, or access the Platform.

4. Use of Personal Data The use of your personal data is for the purposes of member management services, promotional marketing, internal statistical research and analysis, other services within the scope of your consent, and other operations of relevant internal personnel (including draws, prize giveaways, and relevant events and activities).

5. Categories of Personal Data Collected Personal Data includes the following information: (1) Information provided by users when creating a Platform account, including but not limited to email address, secondary email address, passwords, date of birth, age, user ID, and any other information you provide. These details will help recognize and verify your identity, and also on other account-related operations. (2) Device information used when accessing the Platform, such as the type of device (Android, iOS, PC, etc.) and the IP addresses associated with your devices. We use this information to assist in learning your usage patterns while providing PlayHorny services (hereinafter referred to as "the Service(s)"). (3) We may collect your payment information including your billing address and information regarding your payment methods, such as bank details, information of credit cards, debit cards, or other payment cards, and any relevant tracked transactions done through third-party payment gateways. (4) In situations where you urgently require Platform assistance, we may collect information provided by you when reporting issues. (5) Through technologies like Cookies, we may automatically collect and process your personal information, including but not limited to browsing history, access dates and times, browser type, operating system, device information, and IP addresses. Collecting this information helps to improve the Platform and the user experience. It also allows us to provide personalized optimizations based on your preferences and browsing habits. Please note that you can adjust these settings in your browser to restrict or prevent the use of these technologies, but certain functions on the Platform might be affected.

6. Purposes of the Collection of Personal Data The purposes for which we collect personal data include: (1) Providing a Service-oriented user experience while optimizing the Platform, as well as for internal purposes such as auditing or data analysis. (2) Providing personalized advertisements and promotions. (3) Maintaining communication and relationships with users, addressing inquiries, and providing support. (4) In business transactions, personal data may be included in transaction record details to ensure smooth processing of orders and payments. (5) To safeguard Platform security and prevent unauthorized activities, we may utilize personal data for monitoring. In specific instances, personal data might be used to comply with legal, regulatory, or judicial order requirements.

7. Third-Party Access to Personal Data In certain situations, we may collaborate with third-party partners to provide better services and features. These partners may have access to users' personal data on our Platform to assist in performing specific duties. Information that we may share with these collaborating partners includes but not limited to: (1) Basic user information required for delivering in-game content and functionality of games. (2) Financial information for payment and top-up processing. (3) User interests and behavioral data for displaying relevant advertisements and promotional activities. We will establish contracts with these partners so that they comply with our Privacy Policy and relevant legal regulations to ensure the appropriate protection of your personal data. However, we cannot be held responsible for the actions and practices of the third-party partners. Please exercise caution when handling your personal data with third parties. In accordance with applicable legal regulations, if government agencies, law enforcement authorities, or other legal authorities request information in writing for the purpose of investigating or preventing illegal activities, fraud, potential threats to personal safety, or other unlawful behaviors, we will cooperate with the investigation and provide user's personal data as required. In such cases, we will provide the necessary user data as required by law. We will do our best to ensure the protection of personal data in these circumstances while adhering to relevant laws and legal procedures. However, we cannot be held responsible for how regulatory authorities use and handle the personal data. In the case of company mergers, acquisitions, or other business transfers, we may share users' personal data with third-party partners. We will notify users of relevant information before a merger, acquisition, or business transfer and obtain your consent (if required by law). In these situations, we will ensure the legal compliance of sharing personal data and make efforts to protect data privacy appropriately.

8. Cookies & Tracking Technologies A Cookie is a small text file that typically contains an anonymous and unique identifier. When you visit a website, it will store these cookies on your device to identify your device for future visits. On the Platform, we may use various types of Cookies and technologies, which help us better understand user behaviors, including, for security and fraud prevention purposes, the parts of the website users have visited, and for advertisement and online search evaluation purposes. The applications include but not limit to: (1) Essential Cookies: These Cookies are crucial for the proper functioning of the website. They identify Platform members, ensuring the security of user login and verification. (2) Personalization Cookies: These Cookies allow us to track your behaviors and preferences so that we can provide a more personalized experience for your future visits. (3) Analytics/Performance Cookies: We may use these Cookies to anonymously collect user behavioral data to assist in analyzing and improving the Platform's performance and functionality. (4) Advertising Cookies: Based on your visits and behaviors, we may use these Cookies to deliver more accurate advertising experiences. You can always manage the use of these Cookies. Most browsers provide settings that allow you to choose whether to reject or delete these Cookies. However, it's important to note that disabling or deleting Cookies might affect the performance of certain features on the Platform.

9. Age Restrictions We restrict users who are under the age of 18 (or have not reached the legal adult age in their residence jurisdiction/country) from using or accessing the Platform. The content on the Platform may include entertainment content designed for adults and may not be suitable for individuals under the age of 18 or those who have not reached the age of majority in their jurisdiction/country. Any actions against this provision will be considered as non-compliance.

10. Account Handling In the case of the Platform detecting and identifying an account as belonging to a minor, we reserve the right to immediately terminate the account's access rights. The Platform will take appropriate actions to ensure that the said minor no longer accesses or uses the Platform. We also urge all parents and guardians to improve supervision of their underage children to ensure that they do not access or use the Platform.

11. Data Retention The Platform will retain your personal data to fulfill legal and regulatory requirements, legal disputes, tax reports, or other compliance needs. The retention period for personal information on our Platform is a minimum of 5 years, starting from the termination of your account. Upon the expiration of this period, we will implement appropriate technical and administrative measures to ensure the deletion or destruction of your personal data, and subsequently your privacy and data security.

12. User Rights Upon your use or access of the Platform, it is considered that you agree to the processing of your personal data by us. However, you still retain the right to withdraw your consent any time. According to the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), you have the following legal rights, and we will assist you in exercising these rights while complying with legal requirements: (1) Right to Access Data: You have the right to inquire about and access your personal data, including knowing whether we are processing your personal data and the purposes of such. If you request a copy of such data, we may charge a necessary fee for the process (e.g., manual query fees). (2) Right to Rectification: If your personal data is inaccurate, you have the right to request us to correct and update it. (3) Right to Erasure: In certain circumstances, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal data, such as when data processing no longer complies with legal requirements or when we are no longer in need of the data. (4) Right to Restriction of Processing: In certain circumstances, you have the right to request us to restrict the processing of your personal data, such as when you dispute the accuracy of the data. If you wish to exercise the aforementioned right, please contact us in writing. We will assist you in dealing with relevant matters in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations. You are free to decide whether or not to provide us with your personal data. However, if certain fields are marked as required, not providing such data may result in your inability to use our relevant products and services. We recommend that you provide complete and up-to-date personal data. If your failure to provide complete and accurate personal data results in loss or damages to you or other third parties, you are responsible for all consequences. If the personal data you provide is reported or deemed by us insufficient to confirm your true identity or to contact you personally, or if there are instances of personal data impersonation, misuse, or untruthful data, we reserve the right to temporarily suspend you from accessing or using our Services. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

13. Safety Measures We are committed to implementing appropriate technical and administrative measures to ensure that your personal data is protected from unauthorized access, usage, alteration, or disclosure. The security measures implemented to ensure the safety of your personal data includes but not limited to: (1) We use encryption technology to safeguard your sensitive data during data transmission and storage, ensuring that your data is inaccessible to unauthorized individuals. (2) We enforce strict access controls, granting limited access only to employees or partners genuinely associated, ensuring that your data is accessed only by authorized personnels. (3) We conduct regular system monitoring and audits to identify and address any potential security risks or vulnerabilities. Despite our various security measures, we require your assistance to safeguard your personal data together. We recommend that you change your passwords regularly, refrain from sharing account information with others, and use secure devices and networks.

14. Revision & Updates We may revise the terms of the Privacy Policy as needed to comply with relevant laws and regulations. The Platform reserves the right to modify the Terms at any time without prior notice, and we recommend that you stay informed about any announcements regarding the Terms through our website. By continuing to read or use the Services provided by PlayHorny, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the content of the updated Terms, and agreed to abide by them. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please cease using the Services (including products) provided by us immediately.

15. Ways of Contact If you have any questions or feedback regarding the Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us anytime. We look forward to providing you with the best services!